Friday, January 22, 2010

Something to blog

So I've been on a blogging kick. Not only have I blogged but I set up a family blog for Andrew's family and I learned how to import different backgrounds and add music. It's been kind of fun!
Today I have a sick little girl. She has whatever I got earlier in the week. The only good thing about it is she is a snuggler when she is sick. And because she's a girl I can get away with snuggling her and watching Disney princess movies. Like Beauty and the Beast, which is one of my all time favorites but I never watch it. Parker would never watch it with me because it was a "girl" movie.
In fact one time I asked him if he'd watch a movie with me and he knows me well enough that he said as long as it's not The Little Mermaid.
Oh well, now I have a little girl that I can watch them with. Of course the only time she'll sit still long enough to watch a movie is when she's sick. But maybe that will be the thing she remembers. When she was sick, mom would snuggle her and watch Princess movies. It wouldn't be a bad memory to have.
If anyone reads this let me know what you think about the new layout and colors and stuff!


Zachary said...

The layout is very pink :) Actually, other than being way too girly for me, I think it is very well done. Good job! You are a Blogging Master!

It's Blogtastic!

Your Blogularity is going to go way up!

Gretch said...

The layout looks great! Very cute!

I secretly like when my kids are sick too because of all the snuggling time I get and that I can just focus on them and not all of the other life distractions. It is sad when they don't feel so good though. I hope she feels better soon!

Jamison Family said...

Cute blog. I tell people I like when my kids are sick because they cuddle but secretly I like that they SLEEP ALOT! Disney movies are great too :)

Mommy Melissa said...

I like the new layout! Love the butterflies! Sorry Bailey is sick. Hope she feels better.

Colton Anne said...

Cute layout/color scheme! Oh...and you're not the only one that loves to watch the princess movies with your girls! In fact, Nick even likes to watch Enchanted with the girls! It's fun to have girls!

Tina said...

Hey, Meredith! I like your background. It's inspired me to change my blog background...again. Mine is wintery, but I feel more like spring. I'll have to catch a break and sit down in front of Photoshop sometime this week. 'See you around the blog world.

Do anything you can afford said...

Your background is beautiful and it's fun to read about your family. I haven't seen it for a long time. Love to Andrew.
The Gibsons